3 Famous Names of Mine
3 Things that Scare Me
Wriggly, slimy, slithering or even those flying, pests!
Looking down from great heights.
3 Things which make me Smile
My son’s toothy smile
Comments at my blog
Surprise gifts..:D
3 Things that I Love
Cooking for my family and friends
Pursuing my hobbies/passions
3 Things that I Hate
Unending household chores
Liars & Brag-a- mouths & people who talk a lot but never listen.
Being in the Dark
3 Things I don’t understand
How people can stick to a regime and diet?
Why Himesh Reshammiya doesn’t stop singing?
3 Things I’m doing right now
Wondering what next?
Listening to my one year old snore..:D
3 Things I can’t do
3 Things I think you should listen to
Your heart
Your loved ones
Music of course (definitely not Himesh Reshammiya!)
3 Shows I watched as a Kid
Derek (there were hoards and many more but these presently came to my mind.)
3 Things I want in a Relationship
Security (Strictly in that order)
3 Things of the Opposite Sex that appeal to me
Sense of humour
3 Favorite Fictitious Characters
Tom& Jerry (Incomplete without each other)
Nancy Drew
3 of my Favorite Hobbies
Philately/ Coin collection
Watching movies of all possible entertaining genres.
3 Beverages I drink regularly
A mug full of white tea for breakfast
Sky Juice through the day (ie. Water..I know I know that’s a PJ)
Real fruit juices.
3 Things I like about myself
My expressive eyes.
My multifaceted multi- talented personality. :D
My will power.
3 Things I hate about myself
My temper
I’m an over emotional person.
I’m gullible and not shrewd. (A negative trait for survival in today’s times)
3 Things I’m wearing right now
I’m wearing my hair down today. :)
My fav’ river water pearl earrings
Nail paint.
2 Truths and a Lie:
Success is relative.
More the success, more the relatives.
I’m successful!
3 People I pass this TAG to
Smrithi Rao
Janani Satyajit
In Montsand
8 hours ago
Thanks Vibhuti :) will try and does this as well, once i get over my laziness :)
Hey.. thank u!! :D I was having a block abt what to post next..!! U gave the answer!! Will take this up.. soon! :)
Will do it soon...when I get some time :) Enjoyed reading yours! :)
Hey!! Did the Tag.. also have something waiting for you.. over at my blog!! :) Do visit!!
ahmm ahmm ahmmm Things of the Opposite Sex that appeal to me
ah well TOO Late now ch ch ch ch tstk tsk tsk ...
I loved the mahabharta tooo, i stil lwatch it sometimes when it comes as a repeat on these freeview channcels ...
This is a lovely tag list! I Love getting to know other bloggers through lists like this Vibz... we have a few things in common too! I loved Nancy Drew!!!
...and wow... you really don't like this Himesh guy huh?? kyu??
Do you mind if I use this tag in one of my posts? I know that's not the done thing, you didn't tag me but I like this one and I will link back to you of course!!
I hope you are well lovely!
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