Sunday, May 10, 2009

On Mother's Day...

Thought this could be useful for mums-to-be or new mommas because I found it a terribly useful and interesting way to make a home-made less leaky nappy for my tiny tot. So here goes.. Step by step instructions to making one on your own..3 cheers to mommahood..And many thanks to my neighbour 'grey haired know-it-all' granny from whom I got this fantabulous tip!

Step 1: Fold a 24" X 24" white nappy cloth into a perfect square by matching the we learnt in origami at school girlies....

Step 2: Pull out the top right hand corner (towards your left) to form a triangle like in the image.

Step 3: Turn over to the other side of the triangle and fold the left side of the square in to look so as in the image.

Step 4: Now turn the right side back to your left to form a double layered rectangle in the centre of the triangle. This forms the seat of the nappy.

Step 5: Pull both the ears of the triangle in to look as in the image. Your nappy is almost ready...

Step 6: Now get a safe baby nappy pin. Fold the seat and flaps together and pin them up. Your neat Nappy is ready!

If you loved origami at school I'm sure you'll make better looking ones than mine!

P.S.: Miss u in these moments, my lovely Mumma..I'm sure if you were around you'd be the one to initiate me to such stuff. Love you always....